Scientific & Conference Papers
Global Water Forum, Agriculture - Environment - Perpectives, 6 August 2020.
Nelson M., "The challenge of managing water and nutrient cycles in a mini-world – the lessons from Biosphere 2".
Journal of Environmental Management, 201 (2017) 120-128, Elsevier, June/October 2017.
Mounir Saggaï M., Ainouche A., Nelson M., Cattin F., El Amrani A., "Long-term investigation of constructed wetland wastewater treatment and reuse: Selection of adapted plant species for metaremediation"*.
*Due to reasons outside of our control, some errors feature on the technical specifications given on the wetland which served as the basis for this study; they however don't have any impact on the experimental results presented. For instance the system built has a 0% slope inside the system; 2.5 plants minimum per m2 (square meter) with roughly 1/3 deep rooted, 1/3 medium and 1/3 light rooted (as initially planted; it doesn't mean that it is maintained that way) - about 10% of these plants can be and were chosen in this case as test plants, meaning they may not survive initial plantation and must be replaced if they die ; adapted plant species diversity can be significantly further increased.
World Water, Volume 37 (pp. 22-23, 49), Issue 4, July/August 2014.
Nelson M., Cattin F., "Greening the Planet".
in Space Research 47 (2011) 582-590, Science Direct, October 2010.
Nelson M., Wolverton B. C., "Plants + soil / wetland microbes: Food crop systems that also clean air and water".
International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control,
Indore, India, International Water Association (IWA), Vikram University
IEMPS, ICWST, November 2008.
Nelson M., Cattin F., M. Rajendran, INRA, "Value-adding
through creation of high diversity gardens and ecoscapes in subsurface
flow constructed wetlands: Case studies in Algeria and Australia of
Wastewater Gardens systems".
International Congress SmallWAT07, Sevilla, Spain, Center of New Water
Technologies (Centro de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Agua - CENTA), Ministry
of Environment, on « Sewage water treatment in small communities
», November 2007.
Nelson M., Cattin F., Tredwell R., Depuy G, Suraja M., Czech A., "Why
there are no better systems than Constructed Wetlands to treat sewage
water? - Advantages, Issues and Challenges".
Murdoch University, Fremantle, W.A., Australia, Environmental Technology
Centre, International Conference on « Decentralised Water and
Wastewater Systems », July 2006.
Nelson, M., Tredwell R., Czech A., Depuy G., Suraja M. and
Cattin F., «Worldwide
Applications of Wastewater Gardens and Ecoscaping: Decentralised Systems
which Transform Sewage from Problem to Productive, Sustainable Resource».
Murdoch University, Fremantle, W.A., Australia, Conference on «
Sustainability of Indigenous Communities », July 2006.
Tredwell, R. and Nelson M., "Effective
Approaches for Environmental & Wastewater Management and Training
– The Birdwood Downs Case Studies in the Kimberley Region of West
Advances in Space Research, Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 1799-1804, 2003.
M. Nelson, A. Alling, W. F. Dempster, M. van Thillo and John Allen,
« Advantages of
using subsurface flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
in space applications: Ground-based mars base prototype ».
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Environmental Technology
Centre, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, for Conference on «
Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems », April 2002.
Mark Nelson and Robyn Tredwell, «New
Paradigms: Wastewater Garden, creating urban oases and greenbelts by
productive use of the nutrients and water in domestic sewage».
Advances in Space Research, vol 27, nbr 9: 1546-1556, 2001. Taken from
the COSPAR conference, Warsaw, Poland, July 2000.
Nelson, M., Odum, H.T., Brown, M.T., and A. Alling, «
Living off the land”: resource efficiency of wetland wastewater
treatment ».
Ecological Engineering 13: 189-197, 1999.
Nelson, M., Finn, M, Wilson, C., Zabel, B., van Thillo, M., Hawes, P.,
and R. Fernandez, «Bioregenerative
recycle of wastewater in Biosphere 2 using a created wetland: two year
Nelson, M., «Wetland
systems for bioregenerative reclamation of wastewater - From closed
systems to developing countries».