... with the understanding that the best solution is to not even mix water with excreta!
Subsurface wetland systems are long-term ecological
solutions. Wastewater Gardens systems
become more effective at wastewater treatment as the plants grow
and establish, compared with mechanical systems which become less
effective as machinery ages. After a cycle of 15-20 ans, gravel
and plants may need to be renewed in order to provide again proper
sanitation for another cycle of decades.
WWG systems
are low-cost and long-lived (20 years +) provided
simple maintenance procedures are followed.
Although construction costs depend on country
and design, WWG systems are generally less expensive to build than
conventional chemical or mechanical sewage treatments and always
dramatically lower in their running costs: 5 to 10% of ordinary
maintenance and operating costs, since minimal or no machinery is
Constructed wetlands
systems are capable of extremely high rates of wastewater cleaning
without the use of expensive, environmentally harmful chemicals
like chlorine nor electrical energy (although the use of pumps is
sometimes required). In research over the past several decades,
this type of system, even in its more primitive design forms, has
a well-documented track record of consistently cleaning water to
levels better than municipal standards for wastewater treatment.
There are no odors as the sewage is kept
from contact with the air.
There is no mosquito breeding nor other
nuisances associated with open wastewater systems, such as sewage
lagoons or surface-flow wetlands. The possibility of accidental
contact with the sewage is also eliminated (reduced to someone deliberately
digging into the wetland gravel).
WWG systems can be custom designed, from small
units for a single residence to larger areas for industry or city/town
systems; constructed wetlands treatment systems have been built
for towns with populations from 10,000-20,000 people to treat millions
of liters of wastewater daily. No surplus capacity needs be accounted
for as new demands can easily be met by WWG unit expansion
as amount of sewage generated increases (lower initial investment
While WWG
systems can provide a considerable economy in water being specifically
dedicated to landscaping, they add considerably to the landscape
beauty where they are used; hotel and house owners with wetland
treatment systems have some of the most beautiful gardens in their
area. They can as well include plants to be harvested for useful
or saleable products.

Wastewater is being put to productive use instead of being treated
like a pollution; it nurtures existing or new (WWG) gardens so that demand
on freshwater resources (drinking quality water) can be greatly reduced.
Purification is done with plants, microbes, sunlight and gravity rather
than expensive machinery or chemical products. WWG systems can also be
conceived to enable plant production centers (ornamental flowers, medicinal
plants, fast growing timber, fodder for the animals, ...) without additional
demand of water.
. No harmful products nor contributing
pollution in the disinfection process.
. Creation of new green zones. |
Up do 50% cheaper to install* and up to 90% cheaper to maintain.
* Depending on the country of installation and nature of the project. |
Lasts for renewable
decades. |
