Constructed Wetlands              

Humedales Artificiales



Zones Humides Artificielles
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Introduction - understanding sewage water
The Technology & Legal Compliance
Water Treatment Levels & Treated Water Usage
Sound Economics of WWG - Using WWG as economic incentives
Advantages of WWG: an ideal solution
Important Design Factors and Maintenance
How we work with you
Construction and installation Process
Our commitment & expertise
Presentation of the Planetary Coral Reef Foundation (PCRF)
What people say about WWG
Project references

Overview downloads

Photos and applicability in...
Resorts & Hotels
Schools & Research Centres

Scientific Papers
Resources about constructed wetlands

Special announcements, workshops, conferences,...



How we work with you

General Framework

1. INITIAL CONSULTATION: we determine with you whether our system is suitable to your needs. While initial contact, data and discussions can be exchanged via email, we may need to review your site and the infrastructure(s)' location plans in order to understand your site, evaluate its need and discuss possibilities for the location of the WWG system.

2. PROJECT EVALUATION, SITE SURVEY AND PROPOSAL: once you've confirmed your interest in WWG, we will need data from you in order to evaluate overall project sewage generation. Depending on the project, we may need visit your site to review land contours and infrastructures, sometimes already existing sewage treatment system, conduct percolation tests of the soil, note existing trees and vegetation, possible drainage areas and other factors that will affect the proper functioning of the WWG system.
Payment Calendar N° 1: according to the dimension of the project and the chosen option, it covers a pre-study (1a) or a complete study (1b) of the project, with identification of sewage quantity generated, advice of upgrade when needed of existing wastewater treatment facilities if the project is already built, dimensioning of WWG surface with drainage of treated water.

3. ACCEPTANCE OF OUR PROPOSAL: We send you a document containing the project study, the dimension and size of necessary installations, schematic plans and necessary informative documents to obtain permission to build (when necessary). Final fine-tuning of the system and shape of the WWG units will be discussed at this time as well as types and varieties of plants suitable to the project and owner's preferences.
Payment Calendar N° 2: If a pre-study has been chosen, this payment will cover the full study of the project's wastewater, fine-tuning the sizing of the necessary treatment with construction lists and complete budget. This payment also confirms our co. supervision of the construction's principal steps and a follow-up of one to five years.

4. CONSTRUCTION: We always work with a local construction company of where the WWG unit/s are to be implemented and can in some cases be contractors as well. We only deliver final plans of the WWG systems when we are secured that we will be co. supervisors of the construction or that we are assured of the experience and Know-How of the construction supervisor. If WWG team is not to be involved in the construction, in-person or phone/email meetings with the contractor are needed to ensure that system engineering will be properly applied and that each principal step before final testing and planting will be respected.

If our study includes the installation or upgrade of an existing primary treatment (septic tank, Imhoff tank, Faecal Bags or similar) as well as other general installations, these recommendations will ideally be implemented prior to WWG unit implementation.

Payment Calendar N° 3: According to the size and nature of the project, this payment can take place in several stages or be partially included in Payment Calendar Nº 2. Final outcome will be the hand-over of the WWG system, the WWG license certifying the proper installation of the constructed wetland/s and drainage, training of the person or personnel in charge of maintenance and delivery of the Maintenance Manual.

* If WWG is also acting as contractor we will decide with Client of the construction calendar. In the majority of cases, materials, machine rentals when necessary and labour will be paid directly by the Client to providers.

5. INSPECTION: Regardless of who is supervising construction, the following essential points will need to be monitored prior to planting:
- AN ADEQUATE PRIMARY TREATMENT, well sized and built with final filter, ensuring a good separation of solids from liquids;
- VERIFICATION OF THE TEXTURE AND NATURE / GRANULOMETRY OF SOILS: when choosing drainage into the soil, it is fundamental that a permeability test of the soil be done in order to ensure proper drainage.
- LINING TESTING, LEVELS AND WATER FLOW: if WWG units are built in concrete, reinforcements will need to be inspected when framed, before the cement is poured. If they are waterproofed via a membrane, the liner will need to be inspected. We must also ensure that the pipes are well placed and that the water flow between the system's different components is proper, ensuring correct levels and positions.
- WATERPROOFING / LEAK TESTING AND DRAINAGE: after the lining is placed, we must supervises a water leak test to ensure proper sealing with no leak/s. When soil drainage is chosen, drainage network must be properly placed, laid-out and piped (with testing of equal distribution of water at the end of each line).
- GRAVEL / MEDIA USED IN THE WWG UNIT /S: before gravel is placed in the unit/s and sometimes in the drainage lines, we must ensure it's nature (porosity, density), grading (size) and that it is properly cleansed, without impurities.

6. PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING: at the time of planting, we train the owner/s and/or designated staff on the procedures to properly operate and maintain the system and provide a Maintenance Manual.
The final payment will ensure the system's hand-over, as well as the licensing fee and maintenance manual.

Follow-up visits and/or maintenance contracts
can be made available upon request.